
Chromebook & Hotspot Checkout
Chromebooks and hotspots are available for a seven-day checkout with an adult library card in good standing and a government-issued photo ID.
The hotspots can connect up to 10 WiFi-enabled devices at one time and are limited to one per household.

Mobile Printing
Email print jobs remotely from home, from your cell phone, or mobile device. Please note: Not all documents are compatible with the remote printing service. Be sure to check your email inbox for a message from the printing service to let you know if your print job has been received or for any error messages. Print jobs are automatically deleted from the print queue after 3 hours.
Send black & white print jobs to
Send color print jobs to
When you arrive at the library, enter your email address at the printing station to access your print jobs. Printing costs are $.10 per BW page and $.50 per color page. The first $1.00 of printing is free.

Public computers are available. Login with your library card or receive a guest pass at the circulation desk. B&W printing is $.10 per page and color printing is $.50 per page. Users receive $1.00 of free printing per day. Children must be accompanied by a parent to use the public computers.

WiFi access is available on the library property.

Black and white photocopying is available. Printing cost is $.10 per copy for letter and legal size paper and $.20 per copy for ledger size paper. Double-sided copies count as two pages. The first $1.00 of printing is free. Color photocopying is not available.

Faxing is available at no charge. Limit of 20 pages per fax.